Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Angelina Jolie Received Death Threats After 9/11

I’m not sure why this story has just now surfaced, maybe it’s all the Canne coverage of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s movie A Mighty Heart, but either way it’s interesting, and you kids know we are all about the interesting. Angelina Jolie was terrified to visit New York City after 9/11 because of death threats she received after publicly supporting Afghan refuges following the 9/11 attacks. Angelina had visited Afghanistan shortly before Osama Bin Laden’s attacks and spoke out urging Americans not to go to war with the country sheltering the Al Qaeda leader. Her message was simply that the Afghan people were victims of the Taliban and Al Qaeda too, but most Americans didn’t want to hear this so soon after such a heinous attack on our soil. brad-angie-canne41.jpg She recalls, “I went on a show a few days after 9/11… to say that we needed to be focused on the Afghan people, the refugee families. We were focused on the Taliban as an enemy, and these people were their victims too. I got a phone call and two letters that said, very aggressively, how dare I say that we should help anyone else after September 11: ‘We should be helping everybody in New York and that’s it. F**k you! I hope your family dies, you’re anti-American.’ “ Granted the response she got was a bit rough, but what did she expect when so many of our families were destroyed? I mean, shouldn’t we always take care of own first? Not to get too political or anything. I just report gossip.

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